Product>Heart Monitoring
Heart Monitoring Devices



The digital electrocardiograph is a transthoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of the heart over time captured and externally recorded by skin electrodes. The ECG machines have a built-in high resolution thermal array printer and capable of automatic measurement and interpretation.

Please write with subject head "ECG Pricing", and specify the model required.

Fingertip Pulse Oximeter


The Fingertip Pulse Oximeters are compliant to the CE mark, U.S FDA. Single button to switch on the oximeter and toggle between various display orientations. It switches off automatically 6 secs after use to save battery life and it is one of the hottest selling brands in the North American Market.

We offer large variety of Oximeters for home, clinics, hospitals and for research insitutions.

Please write with subject head "Fingertip Oximeter Pricing", and specify the model required.
