Product Category
OT Accessory
SpeedAid Vacuum Mattress for Operating Theatre

Product Features

  • Rapid and effective fixation with the unique multi-chamber fixation technology.
  • Soft and non-slip polyurethane mattress containing polystyrene beads gives flexibility to patient’s postures.
  • Enables quick posture change and patient fixation.
  • Wear-resistant, highly durable, easy to clean and easy to maintain for long product life.
  • Effective fixation of patient’s posture during surgical operations, radiation therapy, or CT, MRI and other medical examinations.
  • Lightweight and small in volume enables easy transportation and storage.

It is an emerging standard practice in the developed countries for patients to be placed on a vacuum mattress in the following positions during medical operations:

  • Lateral position (kidneys, thorax, etc.)
  • Lithotomy position ( hysterectomy, haemorrhoids, etc.)
  • MIC position ( MIC sigma, MIC rectum amputations, etc.)
  • Lateral position in neurosurgery ( all types of trepanations)
  • Supine position for long operations to prevent pressure ulcers (neck dissection, invertebral disc replacements)
  • Lateral position for minimally invasive hip replacements


  • Provides safe and stable support to various patient position on the operating table with maximum comfort.
  • Enables free positioning of patient so that doctors can access to difficult body parts during operations easily.
  • Prevents pressure ulcers by distributing contact pressure evenly over a wide area.
  • Reduces the need for positioning accessories such as supports, cushions, pillows and rollers.
  • Maintains patient’s body temperature during operation, with the mattress functioning as a heat reservoir.
  • Enables usage of X-ray examination during surgical procedures.

For interested individuals, please write to us using the link above with subject head "OT ACC Pricing", and specify your interested items.
